Recebi da Pontificia Academia de Ciências do Vaticano a relação dos 24 Premios Nobel que dela fazem parte. Que outra Instituição tem tão alto grau de ciências? Como podem dizer alguns que há oposição entre a Ciência e a Fé?
From:Felipe Aquino []
Sent: domenica 25 ottobre 2009 2.40
Prof. Aquino,
We are pleased to enclose herewith the list of the living Academicians awarded of the Nobel Prize.
Yours sincerely,
The P.A.S. Secretariat
Accademici Nobel
1. ARBER Werner (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1978)
2. BALTIMORE David (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1975)
3. BECKER Gary S. (Nobel Prize in Economics, 1992)
4. BLOBEL Günter (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1999)
5. CIECHANOVER Aaron J.(Nobel in Chemistry, 2004)
6. COHEN TANNOUDJI Claude (Nobel in Physics, 1997)
7. CRUTZEN Paul J. (Nobel in Chemistry, 1995)
8. De DUVE Christian (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1974)
9. EIGEN Manfred (Nobel in Chemistry, 1967)
10. HÄNSCH Theodor (Nobel in Physics, 2005)
11. KHORANA Har Gobind (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1968)
12. Von KLITZING Klaus (Nobel in Physics, 1985)
13. LEVI MONTALCINI Rita (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1986)
14. MOLINA Mario J. (Nobel in Chemistry, 1995)
15. MÖSSBAUER Rudolf L. (Nobel in Physics, 1961)
16. MURRAY Joseph E. (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1990)
17. NIRENBERG Marshall W. (Nobel in Physiology or Medicine, 1968)
18. NOYORI Ryoji (Nobel in Chemistry, 2001)
19. PHILLIPS William D.(Nobel in Physics, 1997)
20. POLANYI John C. (Nobel in Chemistry, 1986)
21. RUBBIA Carlo (Nobel in Physics, 1984)
22. TOWNES Charles H.(Nobel in Physics, 1964)
23. YANG Chen Ning (Nobel in Physics, 1957)
24. ZEWAIL Ahmed H. (Nobel in Chemistry, 1999)
Fonte: Blog Fellipe Aquino
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